Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Camera: IPAD 2
App: Camera 360
Filter: Movie

It's kind of sunny yesterday so my photos were all too bright and I had to filter it to darken it a little. If there's one thing that I won't get bored at, it's taking photos of myself. Vanity as you may call it but for me it's just a hobby.

It all started when I watched America's Next Top Model College Edition. Tyra Banks is such a great mentor and inspiration for self-esteem, confidence, and beauty. When she told the models to take photos of themselves or take time to face the mirror to find their angles, I immediately thought it was kind of weird but eventually it ended up in a way that I never really expected.

I am just a simple girl who loves to play with makeup. There is nothing wrong with such kind of hobby because it helps a lot of people to gain more confidence and self-esteem. As long as it makes me happy, I do it.

Have a nice day!